Last Saturday, I took my son, Rusty, to see "The Day the Earth Stood Still" with Keanu Reeves. We both enjoyed the movie and the special effects were great, but the message was tainted.
I'm really tired of Hollywood "preaching" to me about their issues. First it was "Boston Legal" espousing the wrongs of the Iraq War and so forth. Now, they have taken the premise of the original movie, which was to save humanity from itself, and made it about saving the planet from humans. Really?!
So let's take a look at the duplicitous behavior of Hollywood. They get all "in your face" about saving the environment and conservation and the like. But, they are the first ones to blow something up. How much of a "carbon footprint" are they leaving when they explode countless cars, buildings, homes, etc.? Let's talk about the wasted resources as well. All the wood and fabrics that are used to construct their sets and then destroyed. Let's talk about the number of cars that a destroyed either by collision, but usually incendiaries. Oh yes, I'm sure they are all sitting in a junk yard somewhere rotting...unrecycled. But wait, there's more. When they burn a car, it is not just the car burning, it is the fuel, the paint, and worst of all, the tires. All of that gets released in the atmosphere as well. And here's a kicker....when they blow up working computers, how many poisons do you think enter the air, given that each of them is made with Boron, Arsenic, and other "extremely hazardous" materials.
Isn't it time to tell Hollywood to listen to their own rants and preachy object lessons. I think we all get that we should take care of the "only" planet we have, but it should not be the object of our entertainment. We are not bad people, we have just made a few bad decisions.
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