Friday, July 10, 2009


I thought a few definitions were in order. I tried my best to be funny and descriptive.

Main Entry: o·ba·ma·no·mics
Pronunciation: o-bä-mä-nä-miks
Function: noun plural but singular or plural in construction
Date: 2009

1 a: a social science concerned chiefly with description and analysis of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services by a government entity b: economic theory, principles, or practices for a government entity

2: economic aspect or significance of change

3: economic conditions after spending money that does not exist

4: the conversion of one person or entity’s money into another person or entity’s money; what was yours is now someone elses

5: the ability to change currency into something of lessor value; to devaluate

6: the creation of a socially elite class of people based on the work or monies of a socially disadvantaged class, e.g., middle- and lower-class citizens

7: the use of or process of using the established accounting system created by the now defunct Enron Corporation

8: the federalization of a corporate business or entity

9: the creation of universal healthcare to care for or treat illegal aliens or otherwise disadvantaged persons at the expense of Americans who otherwise already have some form of healthcare

10: the flagrant and extravagant spending of taxpayer monies after counseling American citizens to the contrary

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