I have had just about enough! Why is it so important for celebrities and the like to tell me what I should be thinking? For years now, actors and entertainers, have been telling the people of the United States the Iraq War is wrong. Why? Because Sean Penn went to Iraq and saw for himself there were no weapons of mass destruction? Yeah, like they would pull them out for him to view and discuss! What an overly inflated sense of self-importance.
How about when the Dixie Chicks bashed America DURING their concert in another country. So you're telling me that when I buy a toaster, that I paid for with my hard-earned cash, I can expect a 20 minute diatribe (or bitch-fest for those academically challenged) about how my country sucks. Do I get a discount or a refund if I disagree?
Perhaps it is when Barbara Streisand decided to tell everyone how bad, sick and wrong President Bush was about the Iraq War. From her website, http://www.barbrastreisand.com/index.php?page=statements&n_id=112, she asks questions about it. Number 5 is especially enlightening, "How much of this war is about oil?". I recall in recent, and I do mean recent, history, where Americans were spending as much as $4.00 per gallon for gas. Apparently we didn't get to keep the oil we were supposedly fighting for. And what about Number 6, "How much of this war is a vendetta against "the man who tried to kill my dad"?". Why does it have to be personal? Wasn't it enough that Saddam Hussein was killing hundreds, thousands, and possibly millions of people for his own pleasure and service? I seem to recall when another crazed leader that was killing millions of people, the whole world banded together to stop him. Oh, what was his name? It's on the tip of my tongue. Wait for it... I remember, it was Adolf Hitler. When did "not being a good citizen" and "not sticking up for the little guy" become vogue?
My absolute favorite was when celebrities threatened to move out of the country because they didn't get their way.
'Academy Award-winning actress Susan Sarandon says "anywhere but here" if Republican John McCain wins November's election. She says she will "be checking out a move to Italy. Maybe Canada, I don't know. We're at an abyss."'
This can be found at: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,361023,00.html.
So...did they move? Of course not. It's only popular to bash America publicly. They count their money PRIVATELY...in America...in American Banks...
Now, don't go and get me wrong. I truly believe that EVERYONE is entitled to express their opinion, just like I have done here. I also believe that speaking your mind without consequences is unfounded and ridiculous. Besides, why is it such a good thing to make America look bad? What could someone hope to gain? More money from overseas sales of their movies? Last I knew, America was THE most prosperous nation on the planet. Who else is going to give them that kind of money?
All in all, I believe that opinions should be expressed and accepted by all parties. We don't have to agree, just respect. And I will respect my toaster's opinion, if, and only if, it will accept my right to disconnect it and fail to use it in the future for its stated position. Hmmm...do you think I can get ANY celebrity to respect MY opinion? Naw! I didn't think so.
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